Fact Check: Star Henry Winkler Really Is That Nice, Fans At Mass Convention Say

The Fonz is as cool as you'd expect. At least that's according to the hundreds of fans who met him over the weekend at New England's biggest comic book convention, where he was a speaker. 

Henry Winkler poses with fan Maria Hurteau, who says meeting the star was one of her favorite parts of Fan Expo Boston over the weekend.

Henry Winkler poses with fan Maria Hurteau, who says meeting the star was one of her favorite parts of Fan Expo Boston over the weekend.

Photo Credit: Maria Hurteau

Henry Winkler, star of "Happy Days" and "Barry," attended the annual convention Fan Expo Boston on Friday through Sunday, Aug.4-6, where he shared stories from his storied career, interacted with excited fans, and gave those who met him memories that will last a lifetime. 

Winkler happily posed for photos with scores of fans, leading to an outpouring of glowing social media posts about the star. 

"Could you please tell Henry Winkler that he is the nicest celebrity I ever met," wrote one fan in a Tweet to Fan Expo. 

"I am still in awe right now," wrote another. 

Winkler shared stories from his eight-decade career in show business during the panels at the event. Those included jumping the shark on "Happy Days" and the time he took a slobbery car ride with Hollywood icon Sylvester Stallone. 

Related: Sylvester Stallone Stops Meets Local Celebrity At Mass Seafood Market

He also did his best impersonation of Sly, who asked Winkler for a ride in his car and then brought a large dog on board with them. Winkler even explained how tried to help Stallone pitch a script that would later become the "Rocky" to ABC.  

Before leaving Boston, Winkler stopped by Sportella for a bite to eat and gave the Italian restaurant at 348 Congress St. his seal of approval. 

"FOOD TIP: Boston .. this is a GREAT restaurant," Winkler wrote on Twitter. 

Winkler is about to embark on a book tour for his memoir, "Being Henry." He also recently co-wrote a children's book called "Detective Duck, The Case of the Strange Splash," which will be released on October 17, 2023.

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